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A package manager to easily install any docker-things app


A package manager to easily install any docker-things app

Installing/Upgrading docker-things

This one-liner will fetch this repo, will install the docker-things script and then will remove the downloaded repo.

git clone /tmp/dtrepo && bash /tmp/dtrepo/ self-install && rm -rf /tmp/dtrepo

Installing apps

This command will install firefox, chromium and thunderbird

docker-things install firefox chromium thunderbird

Upgrading apps

This command will upgrade firefox, chromium and thunderbird

docker-things upgrade firefox chromium thunderbird

Uninstalling apps

This command will uninstall firefox, chromium and thunderbird

docker-things delete firefox chromium thunderbird

Set apps as default for the host system

Assuming you installed Firefox and want it to be your default browser, run this:

docker-things set-default firefox



The apps are able to open stuff between each other by using the host xdg-open script through FIFO.

So, if you click a link in Mattermost it will be able to open Firefox or whichever is your default browser.


Notifications sent through notify-send will also be shown seamlessly in the host system by using FIFO pipes.



Usage: docker-things [OPTION] [THING]

  backup       - Backup app
  build        - Build app
  clear-data   - Removes any data stored by the app
  connect      - Connect to the docker image
  delete       - Delete app
  fifo-listen  - Listens to FIFO messages from apps
  get          - Get repository
  install      - Install app launcher (get & build app if needed)
  kill         - Kill app
  list         - List available things
  logs         - Show app logs
  restart      - Restart app
  restore      - Restore backup of the app
  set-default  - Set app as default for the host system
  start        - Start app
  status       - Show app status
  stop         - Stop app
  update       - Update repository
  upgrade      - Upgrade app